0x02 - block xpress
0x03 - InvalidFlash
0x04 - Security Main BCB
0x05 - Security Front PCB
0x10 - System ID not match
0x11 - Range (Downloading the file is bigger than arear reserved)
0x12 - UartTimeOut (Serial communication error)
0x13 - BlockCrc (Downloaded package file crashed)
0x14 - datatype (Not supporting data type)
0x15 - XfdVer (Not supporting IRD version)
0x20 - OtaTimeOut (While OTA, the Antenna line is disconnected)
0x21 - OtaCrc32 Ota downloaded file crashes
0x70 - Kernel File system error
0x71 - Error rootfs
0x72 - device fs (filesystem error Device)
0x80 - writing flash (Flash Error During writing)
0x81 - EepromWriting
0x82 - XfdmWriting (IRD Write ERROR)
0x83 - EepromReading
0x90 - USBNotFound
0x91 - USBFatReadErr
0x92 - USBFileFound
0x93 - USBReadErr