020810---AB SAT / BIS--(Down) 020820---AB SAT / BIS--(Down) 021110---ART/JSC 1-8---(Down)..*021110 (work on Hellas sat 39E on freq 12606 H 30000 5/6 for one channel -Ant1 Europe-* 021110 (work on Badr 4 Badr6 26°E- on Freq:12322 V 27500 3/4 for Télétoon..Piwi...Cuisine.TV -(Cinecinema Star 12303 H 27500 3/4 (Here no test for me no signal on this channel) 021120---ART/JSC 1-8---(Down) 023800---SRG Swiss---(no keys) 024400---FreeX TV----(no keys) 030700---Al Jazeera Sports(no keys)
*for update this key.bin use kiab 1.3 or Humaxkeydit latest ...is possible also with dsr9500ed56cw important is active inside of the dsr9500ed56cw viaccess 0x 10 Via 2 key*
*is possible also add these prov id Viaccess2.6 and keys with remote control*
*Thanks The ToH Team For The Great Work*
*Special Thanks To PH.....Crazysat and Nostromo*
============================== ========
"(ToH--******..Select Nagra2AU OFF)"
"For nagra2 (At the moment):
"Kabel Deutschland ok (nagra2) 1101"
"Digitv ok (nagra2) 2111"
"Tv globo ok (nagra2) C102"
============================== ========
"for viaccess (At the moment):
"mezzo Hotbird 13E (0074)"
============================== ========
"for cryptworks (At the moment):
"disney channel" Hotbird 13E (0D03A0)"
"Arqiva on Sirius 4 4.8°E (0D0020)"
"Arqiva on Sirius 4 4.8°E (0D0030)(For ESPN Classic Europe)"
"Arqiva on Eurobird 9A 9°E (only 1 channel..ESPN America)(0D0030)"
============================== ========
"for seca are working only:
"Rai on freq: 11765V 27500 2/3 Hotbird 13E (if encrypted)(0030)"
"Rai.. Rai 4..ok on (freq: 10992 V 27500 2/3..Hotbird 13°E..)(with active key Rai)"
"Mediatech ok on (Freq: 11260 H 27500 3/4 ..Amos 2/3 4°W..)(with active key Mediatech)"(002A)" ============================== ========