􀁺 Nice work! 􀁺 Way to go! 􀁺 I applaud you.

I couldn’t have done it without you.

􀁺 You’re the best!


􀁺 You’re fantastic! 􀁺 You rock!

You’re on top of things!

􀁺 I’m truly grateful! 􀁺 Super job!

You’re a winner!

􀁺 You’re a joy to work with. 􀁺 I’m impressed!


􀁺 No one holds a candle to you.


􀁺 Great work! 􀁺 You are spectacular! 􀁺 Hip! Hip! Hooray!

You are incredible!

􀁺 Well done! 􀁺 YOU ARE TERRIFIC!


􀁺 A+ Job! 􀁺 Hurray for you! 􀁺 You are a team player!

You make me look good!

􀁺 High five! 􀁺 I’m proud of you!

You are fun to work with!

􀁺 That’s a great idea!

You’re doing a super job!

􀁺 Kudos!

􀁺 You’re super!

The time you put in really shows!
You are unstoppable!

􀁺 I appreciate your work.

I appreciate you.

􀁺 Superb! 􀁺 Phenomenal!

I enjoy working with you!

􀁺 You’re on target.

Your contribution is important.

􀁺 Outstanding!


􀁺 Remarkable job!

You are so creative.

􀁺 Right on! 􀁺 A-OK! 􀁺 You’re a treasure!


􀁺 You made my day! 􀁺 Dynamite!

You are truly appreciated.

􀁺 Good job! 􀁺 You’re a real trooper!


􀁺 You make my job so much easier.

Exceptional performance!

􀁺 Amazing! 􀁺 What a great imagination!


􀁺 Good thinking! 􀁺 You are an important member of the
