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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : PKT mod 7.1 Xmas Edition Tideglo rev 0.7.0

20-12-2009, 06:24 AM
PKT mod 7.1 Xmas Edition Tideglo rev 0.7.0


التغيرات والتعديلات

Points Mod 7.1 Xmas Edition 0.7.0 rev Tideglo

As a reminder - change Tideglo

Tideglo release 0.7.0
- Fixed mute volume on channel change
- Mute over SPDIF is now working
- Added runtime detection mp4
- Added HTTP streaming mp4
- Added m2ts file
- Added stty
- Added netstat
- Added traceroute
- Added grab for GUI screenshots (it does not work with live-tv screenshots)
- Fixed many bugs on video drivers (do not remember most of all because drivers were completly code reviewed)
- Applied better quality on video drivers (IMHO now on sd channels is really better than before)
- Fixed many bugs on audio drivers (most of them on codec side)
- Fixed (?) SNR / agc value on tuners (especially in the sharp tuner)
- Fixed bug on network starting at boot
- Bootlogo changed with a new default
- Reorganized the general driver structures
- Fixed subtitles *. srt, *. ssa, and when there is'. " char in the file name
- Fixed time in the frontpanel (now should be always get the right value, with GMT offset, also at Enigma2 boot)
- Fixed a bug that causes the DNS to be rewritten at reboot or at reboot network is activated when the dhcp on the router / net (if you have activated the dhcp dns will be always given by the dhcp server)
- Fixed a bug that make dhcp always activated
- Fixed record from standby
- Fixed record from deep-standby
- Bug fixed for timer record events scheduled
- Fixed volume bug on web-interface
- Fixed menu factory reset (thanks skaman)
- Fixed Panscan mode on almost all possible cases
- Fixed sound volume on SCART Which was lower than HDMI

Points change compared to version 7.0

- Christmas decor fashion
- Amendments speed and stability
- New EMUmanager 0.9.8
- New mountmanager 0.7.3
- Added restart EMU for their wives - BP -> green
- Added plugin WebcamViewer
- Added plugin BootlogoSelector
- Added plugin ******Executer
- Added plugin PermanentTimeshift
- Added ability to play files from the *. trp MediaPleyera

Regards Polish Team Kathi

WARNING! NOT LIABLE FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, unlawfully, REMEMBER THAT LOOK PAY TELEVISION SUB******ION unpaid is a crime and be subject to imprisonment up to 3 years!

روابط التحميل

Cuberevo / IPBox 9000 HD (http://uploadhyper.com/file/17009/PKT7.1XE9000.tar.gz.html)

Cuberevo - Mini / IPBox 900 HD (http://uploadhyper.com/file/17013/PKT7.1XE900.tar.gz.html)

Cuberevo 3000 / IPBox 910 HD (http://uploadhyper.com/file/17011/PKT7.1XE910.tar.gz.html)

Cuberevo 250 / IPBox 91 HD (http://uploadhyper.com/file/17014/PKT7.1XE91.tar.gz.html)