المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جديد rudream-5 لاجهزة فيو بلاس

05-01-2016, 02:14 PM

We present a updated version of the Live X firmware! Now in Beta status!

This firmware build from scratch and based on the new OpenEmbedded version.The main changes obtained in the firmware:

❖Updated OpenEmbedded (which requires the installation of the firmware from scratch)..

❖Changed dependence of Samba package from Perl, so there is no need to use it for the operation of Samba Server, which allows you to save space in the flash memory.

❖Updated plugin BackupSuite and added his support to mtd-utils, now the plugin works without error, please note that backups firmware with a large size can not be done by some boxes loader (the reason is not clear), in this case, to restore the firmware you can install firmware from scratch, and then use the built-in restory -- # وصلة ممنوعة 1778 # -- in the BackupSuite plugin.

❖Updated FullBackup plugin, the main difference in the new version - Support for all models of boxes, including DreamBox (thanks Dima73).

❖Other changes and additions to enhance stability and performance.


To install the update, you must make a backup of the firmware and save the settings, and then install the firmware from scratch. After installing the firmware, restore settings without packages restore, that will have to be installed then using the "Packages and extensions manager " If after the recovery options you have crash of enigma2 GUI, do not use the restore settings option..


ExtInfoBar plugin does not work on the current firmware, do not install or use this plugin, until it will be adapted!


05-01-2016, 05:02 PM
الف شكر ياغالى بارك الله فيك