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Eliminate annoying waiting with RapidPro!
unlimited storage, unlimited traffic, no waiting times before downloads, easy file- and folder management. For only 4.99 Euro a month!
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<LI class=whyrapidshare>What are the benefits of RapidShare?
We offer easy back-ups and the transfer of large files to a supersized hard drive, that is accessible from anywhere in the world.
» RapidShare case studies (javascript:void(RSPage.whyRap idShareLayer());)
Why Anti-Waiting Company?
We constantly get asked why we are the Anti-Waiting Company. The answer is simple and explained here.
» Anti-Waiting Company (javascript:void(load('overlay _antiwaiting.tpl','',function( obj){vxOpenOverlay(obj.respons eText)}));)
Create your free account
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<LI class=my-rapidshare id=js_myrapidshare_btn>My RapidShare
You currently have ###rapids### Rapids and ###used### MB used storage. For an overview of your profile and your personal settings go here:
» My RapidShare (https://rapidshare.com/#!myrapidshare)
<LI class=rapid-pro id=js_rapidpro_btn>Eliminate annoying waiting with RapidPro!
50GB secured storage, 150GB traffic / 30 days, no expiration of traffic, no waiting times before downloads, easy file- and folder management.
» Learn more about RapidPro (javascript:void(RSPage.featur esLayer());)
<LI class=lounge>Anti-Waiting Lounge
As a RapidShare user you have access to our Anti-Waiting Lounge. Here we regularly present you with new games and entertainment to sweeten annoying waiting times.
» Play now (https://rapidshare.com/#!lounge)
<LI class=send-rapids>Send Rapids to a friend
Do you want to send Rapids to a friend? That's easy: all you need is your friend's public ID.
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File management via drag 'n' drop
Drag your data directly from the file manager into your folders or LinkLists. Fast & easy - anti-waiting style!
» Learn more (https://rapidshare.com/#!myrapidshare|filemanager)
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