المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ترقبوا CCcam 3.0.0

jordan love
24-01-2010, 09:20 PM
بعض المعلوماتت عن هذا البلجنز

New version of CCcam will be available soon. Following are the features of the new version of the most favorite CS protocol. Wait for the release.

AUTOMATIC keyupdate for following providers
Premiere, Premiere Star, Digital+ ( N@gra 2 )
SSR SRG ( Schweizer Fernsehen ) ( Vi@ccess )

Cryptoworks hardencoded bug on CAID 0d22 ( Arena / Tividi )
Only ok with version Version 2.0.1
Channels : AXN, RTL Crime, History Channel, Kinowelt TV don't work because of parental control ( PIN )

N@gra 2/3 new ROM 142 support
TV Cabo on Hispisat 30 degrees
( Polsat in future )

Irdet0 card support improovement
and II***** 2 Version 2 card support

Entitlements corrections
some cards are showing entitlements in HEX form
Chid 7D2B - date 0xcb5 valid 0xfe
Chid 00E1 - date 0xcb5 valid 0xf1

KATHREIN UFS 910 receiver support

TRIPLE DRAGON receiver support

REELBOX receiver support

( executable in FRITZBOX router )

NSLU2 support Debianslug
( LSB executable )

Multi EMU
CCcam should be able to run in one session with an other EMU
( CCcam with MGCAMD or CCcam with CAMD3 or CCcam with NP )

NEWCS card's -> LOAD B****CE
CCCam should be able to identify identical cards connected by newccamd protocol to b****ce load onto these cards

CAID remapping
CCcam should request ECM under a different CAID
( for example : TV Cabo CAID remap 1802 -> 1801)"

25-01-2010, 04:57 PM
مشكور اخي الكريم
على المعلومات الجديده

18-02-2010, 03:45 PM
شكرا لك على هذه المعلومه وان شاء الله قريبا ترى النور