صورة جديدة Excalibur من فريق Merlin لدريم بوكس 500HD بتاريخ 29/5/2010


Enigma2: 20100530 
Enigma2-Plugins: 20100530 
Enigma2-Skins: 20100530 
Driver: 20100528 

dreambox-dvb-modules.bb: update dm800/dm8000/dm500hd drivers 
- fix more deadlocks introduced with SMP changes 
- better recording/playback/demux performance 
- add aspectratio signaling via hdmi avi info frame for 576i/p and 480i/p 
- add vtuner support for multi type tuners 
- some internal fixes/changes to improve stability 
- generic videooutput, hdmi and videodecoder code update 
- generic videooutput, demux, audio-/videodecoder, hdmi code update 
- some work on videooutput and hdmi code 
(this hopefully fixes the hdmi connection lost problem) 

Neue Merlin2 Funktionen: 
* movie resume Unterstützung und Filmstatusanzeige für Video Files (mkv, avi usw.) 
* dynamische caid und ecm Anzeige 

Cau Adas