أصدر فريق VTI أحد الفرق القوية و الداعمة لأجهزة VU+
النسخة الجديدة من صورته و التي تحمل رقم 9.0.3
و يدعم هذا الفريق كل أجهزة VU+

و هذا ما حملته النسخة من تحديثات
16.05.2016 - Software Update
- increase image version: VTi 9.0.3
- update drivers (2016-05-16) (solo4k)
support FCC (Fast Channel Change)
support SD/HD transcoding in live TV mode ** Restriction : No Pip/MiniTV, Slow LCD Drawing
fix pluggable dual DVB-S2 problem when both A/B tuners are in use
Improve HDR
add proc entry to support some unicable equipments (needs a Solo4k Misc. plugin)
add proc encry for DVB-CI timing control (needs a Solo4k Misc. plugin)
fix misc. bugs
- update dvbapp2 (2016-05-16)
[Common] support FastChannelChange - THXPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3c udnVwbHVzLXN1cHBvcnQub3JnL3diY jQvaW5kZXgucGhwP3VzZXIvMTAzMzk 5LXZ1LyIgc3R5bGU9ImNvbG9yOiByZ 2IoMjA0LCA1MSwgMCk7IGZvbnQtZmF taWx5OiBWZXJkYW5hOyBmb250LXNpe mU6IDEycHg7Ij5AdnUrPC9hPgPleas e disable dvbapp2 console logging when FCC is in use(solo4k)
[Common] fix 0 byte recording issue in linked tuner - THXPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3c udnVwbHVzLXN1cHBvcnQub3JnL3diY jQvaW5kZXgucGhwP3VzZXIvMTAzMzk 5LXZ1LyIgc3R5bGU9ImNvbG9yOiByZ 2IoMjA0LCA1MSwgMCk7IGZvbnQtZmF taWx5OiBWZXJkYW5hOyBmb250LXNpe mU6IDEycHg7Ij5AdnUrPC9hPg
[Common] save cached configuration before dvbapp2 crash based GUI restart
[Common] gracefull shutdown of dvbapp2 at changing run levels
[Common] simplify unicable configuration with suggestions
[Common] improve media scanner behaviour recognize also IPK files
[Common] rework Audio/Subtitles screen
[Common] add option to change services with CHANNEL +/- buttons
[Common] rework startwizard
[Common] add option to enable/disable crash screen - disabled by default
[MovieList] change modification time of files when removing to trash
[Timeshift] fix black screen bug for service change at same transponder
[Timeshift] change some default configuration values
[Timeshift] allow deleting files older than 6 hours
[IPKG] use software manager for installing packages
[IPKG] log errors and use EPG button to show collected errors after software installation
[Subtitles] use Vu+ changes for setup subtitles style
- update busybox</itemtext>
fix udhcp for some vlans
- update youtubetv/chromium (ver. 2016-05-16) (solo4k)
- update vtipanel (ver. 3.41)
[Common] change reboot behaviour after upgrade
[VTiZerO] fix removal of xbmc
- add kodi to download feed (ver. 16.1) (solo2, duo2, solose, solo4k)
- update plugin camofs (ver. 11.64)
- update plugin enhancedmoviecenter (git 20160510)
- update plugin fritzcall (rev. 1299)
- update plugin multiquickbutton (ver. 2.7.15)
add function to enable/disable every button
PLEASE check your configuration after update
- update plugin openwebif (ver. 0.4.7 20160509)
fix rare crashes with mediaportal plugin
- update plugin seriesplugin (git 20160409)
- update plugin tectimetv (ver. 3.0)
- update plugin webradiofs (ver. 14.45)
- update plugin yamp (ver. 3.1.1 2016-05-09)
- update skin atile (ver. 4.4-r0)
- update skin cerxfhd (ver. 20160403)
- update skin kerni-hd1r3 (ver. 20160221)
- update skin mutespectator (ver. 3.1)
- update skin stylefhd (ver. 2016-03-24)

يمكنكم تحميل الصورة بتحديثها الأخير الصادر يومه الثلاثاء 16 ماي 2016 من موقعها الرسمي
