History Release Note
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- v1.08.22 / 2010. 05. 19 / Build Version : 3099
XcamClient improvementsWednesday, May 19, 2010 10:41 PM
[Function added / Improved]
1. Timer conflict display correction.
2. Prevent collision between play alarm and recording.
3. In JPEG mode of playlist, you may select one file and will be able to slide(view) all the images.
4. Delete user font function added. (language menu)
5. Display as '*' for keyboard password.
[Bug fix]
1. Failure when network recording for an event with specific font.
2. REC file name set as previous event name when weekly or daily timer recording. 6 minutes buffer from the event starting time.
3. Timer reservation error.
4. Screen breaks on ORF channel.
[Revised points]
1. Channel name display in the right side of play list.
2. In quick service list, channel which is not able to modify marked with dark silver.
3. Correction in display Turkish charactor "I" in VFD.
4. Prevent dual decoding when Main/Sub are the same channel in PIP.

